Dropped frames (unauthorized port) in AP mode

Mihai Moldovan ionic
Sun Jul 14 18:38:37 PDT 2013

* On 15.07.2013 02:33 AM, Ben Greear wrote:
> Can you just test with my exact configuration file that I sent previously?  We
> are not
> actually using any external authenticator, at least for the bulk of our testing.
> For that matter, have you tried setting up a non-authenticated configuration?

Tested just that. Took your config and only modified it to include bridge=br0
and use wifi1 instead of vap0.

This network is unencrypted and my STA can connect. :)

Thus, I added/changed the following lines:



And that's working, too! No monitor interface, but WPA2 encrypted and actually

So it's gotta be *some other* option I have in my config... let the testing
begin. Thanks just again! :)


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