Low Wi-Fi throughput

Antonio Quartulli antonio
Mon Dec 16 02:21:22 PST 2013

On 16/12/13 11:16, Alban JEANTHEAU wrote:
> Hi Antonio,
>   Thank you for your answer. Please find my comments below:
> *> why using WPA-NONE when you can use RSN ? WPA-NONE is not really WPA..
>> How can you use CCMP with WPA-NONE?*
> To be honest I didn't focus on key / ciphering configuration, and I copy
> an existing configuration found somewhere. However
> http://hostap.epitest.fi/gitweb/gitweb.cgi?p=hostap.git;a=blob_plain;f=wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf states:
> # mode: IEEE 802.11 operation mode
> # 0 = infrastructure (Managed) mode, i.e., associate with an AP (default)
> # 1 = IBSS (ad-hoc, peer-to-peer)
> # 2 = AP (access point)
> # Note: IBSS can only be used with key_mgmt NONE (plaintext and static WEP)
> # and key_mgmt=WPA-NONE (fixed group key TKIP/CCMP). WPA-None requires
> # following network block options:
> # proto=WPA, key_mgmt=WPA-NONE, pairwise=NONE, group=TKIP (or CCMP, but not
> # both), and psk must also be set.

I am not sure the doc has been updated :)

> *>     htmode=HT40-*
> If I don't set htmode, I'm stuck with 54Mbps. If i set htmode=HT20, I can use 72.2Mbps, if I set htmode=HT40- I can use 150Mbps. And you guess right I am using openwrt, sorry for not mentionning it...

openwrt has some patches that are not upstream. e.g. "htmode" does not
exist in the vanilla wpa_supplicant. So you won't get any support here
for this particular configuration.

What about if you send an email to the openwrt ml directly?
May I suggest you to perform the same test but without using
wpa_supplicant at all? Can you get higher throughput without using any
kind of encryption?

In that case it may be a wireless driver problem (if any).


Antonio Quartulli

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