[Projekt-wlan] [PATCH v4 24/25] VLAN: do not remove VLAN interfaces due to kernel bug

michael-dev michael-dev
Thu Aug 1 00:42:10 PDT 2013


Am 31.07.2013 20:53, schrieb Sergey Ryazanov:
> May be I missing something, but why you are try to avoid triggering of
> the kernel bug by placing workaround inside hostapd? May be we should
> fix kernel bug itself?

of course the kernel (or whatever actually is the cause) should be fixed 
as well.
Although the main reason for this change was the kernel issue, I think 
that limiting the churn for creating and removing interfaces could also 
help to mitigate some special kinds of DOS attacks, where the kernel 
would become busy removing and creating interfaces all the time. So this 
change is useful even without any kernel bug.
Additionally, with this change I can actually use this changeset in 
production without the aps regularly crashing, so it really helps.

  M. Braun

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