Applying Auto Channel Selection patch in hostapd

Swaminathan Vasanth Rajaraman swaminathanvasanth.r
Mon Jul 11 01:16:01 PDT 2011


 Did anyone applied the hostapd Auto channel selection patch ?

I have the code and the patch file in the same directory.
Any pointers on why is it happening?

I am trying it but getting this error :

rajaras1 at kesateekkari:~/hostapdtest/hostapd-0.6.10$ patch -p0
patching file b/src/ap/hostapd.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 30.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hostapd.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/hw_features.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 599.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 610.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 634.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hw_features.c.rej
patching file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 202.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/drv_callbacks.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 487.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 576.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file b/src/ap/hostapd.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 227.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hostapd.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 213.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/drv_callbacks.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 545.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 633.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 643.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file b/src/ap/hostapd.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 231.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hostapd.h.rej
patching file b/src/drivers/driver.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 26.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 58.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 2253.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 2655.
Hunk #5 FAILED at 3187.
5 out of 5 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/drivers/driver.h.rej
patching file b/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 6603.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 6676.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file b/hostapd/Makefile
Hunk #1 FAILED at 736.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/hostapd/Makefile.rej
patching file b/hostapd/config_file.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1736.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 1751.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file b/hostapd/defconfig
Hunk #1 FAILED at 208.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/hostapd/defconfig.rej
patching file b/hostapd/hostapd.conf
Hunk #1 FAILED at 106.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/hostapd/hostapd.conf.rej
patching file b/src/ap/acs.c
patching file b/src/ap/acs.h
patching file b/src/ap/ap_config.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 96.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 162.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/ap_config.c.rej
patching file b/src/ap/ap_config.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 393.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/ap_config.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 228.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/ap_drv_ops.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/drv_callbacks.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 35.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 531.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 542.
3 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file b/src/ap/hostapd.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 700.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hostapd.c.rej
patching file b/src/ap/hostapd.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 239.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hostapd.h.rej
patching file b/src/ap/hw_features.c
Hunk #1 FAILED at 25.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 648.
Hunk #3 FAILED at 671.
Hunk #4 FAILED at 708.
4 out of 4 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/ap/hw_features.c.rej
patching file b/src/drivers/driver.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 75.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file b/src/drivers/driver.h.rej
rajaras1 at kesateekkari:~/hostapdtest/hostapd-0.6.10$

Best Regards,
Swaminathan Vasanth Rajaraman
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