hostapd/wpa_supplicant - new development release v0.7.1

Jouni Malinen j
Sat Jan 16 09:46:06 PST 2010

New versions of wpa_supplicant and hostapd were just
released and are now available from

This release is from the development branch (0.7.x). Please note that
the 0.6.x branch continues to be the current source of stable releases.

* cleaned up driver wrapper API (struct wpa_driver_ops); the new API
  is not fully backwards compatible, so out-of-tree driver wrappers
  will need modifications
* cleaned up various module interfaces
* merge hostapd and wpa_supplicant developers' documentation into a
  single document
* fixed HT Capabilities IE with nl80211 drivers
* moved generic AP functionality code into src/ap
* WPS: handle Selected Registrar as union of info from all Registrars
* remove obsolte driver wrapper
* added internal debugging mechanism with backtrace support and memory
  allocation/freeing validation, etc. tests (CONFIG_WPA_TRACE=y)
* EAP-FAST server: piggyback Phase 2 start with the end of Phase 1
* WPS: add support for dynamically selecting whether to provision the
  PSK as an ASCII passphrase or PSK
* added support for WDS (4-address frame) mode with per-station virtual
  interfaces (wds_sta=1 in config file; only supported with
  driver=nl80211 for now)
* fixed WPS Probe Request processing to handle missing required
* fixed PKCS#12 use with OpenSSL 1.0.0
* detect bridge interface automatically so that bridge parameter in
  hostapd.conf becomes optional (though, it may now be used to
  automatically add then WLAN interface into a bridge with

* cleaned up driver wrapper API (struct wpa_driver_ops); the new API
  is not fully backwards compatible, so out-of-tree driver wrappers
  will need modifications
* cleaned up various module interfaces
* merge hostapd and wpa_supplicant developers' documentation into a
  single document
* nl80211: use explicit deauthentication to clear cfg80211 state to
  avoid issues when roaming between APs
* dbus: major design changes in the new D-Bus API
* nl80211: added support for IBSS networks
* added internal debugging mechanism with backtrace support and memory
  allocation/freeing validation, etc. tests (CONFIG_WPA_TRACE=y)
* added WPS ER unsubscription command to more cleanly unregister from
  receiving UPnP events when ER is terminated
* cleaned up AP mode operations to avoid need for virtual driver_ops
* added BSS table to maintain more complete scan result information
  over multiple scans (that may include only partial results)
* wpa_gui-qt4: update Peers dialog information more dynamically while
  the dialog is kept open
* fixed PKCS#12 use with OpenSSL 1.0.0
* driver_wext: Added cfg80211-specific optimization to avoid some
  unnecessary scans and to speed up association

git shortlog for 0.7.0 -> 0.7.1:

Removed.. The log was apparently long enough to hit the mailing list
limit, so here's the message again with this part removed. More details
about the changes are available from the hostap.git repository:

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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