New wpa_supplicand dbus API proposal
Witold Sowa
Thu Jun 11 15:00:53 PDT 2009
Here is second proposal of new DBus API build basing of our earlier
e-mail correspondence, Marcel's remarks and arrangement I made with Dan
on #wireless.
I will start to implement this in next week. Request for comments.
Service Name: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1
O: /fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1
I : fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1
M: CreateInterface(args a{sv}) -> path o
args: Ifname -> s
Driver -> s
Bridge-ifname -> s
Level -> u
Timestamp -> b
Show_keys -> b
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.InterfaceExists
M: RemoveInterface(path o)
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.InterfaceUnknown
M: GetInterface(ifname s) -> path o
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.InterfaceUnknown
P: Interfaces -> ao
EapMethods -> as
S: InterfaceAdded -> path o
S: InterfaceRemoved -> path o
S: PropertiesChanged -> properties a{sv}
O: /fi/w1.wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/<interface_number>
I: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface
P: Capabilities (read-only) -> a{sv}
Pairwise -> as [ccmp, tkip, none]
Group -> as [ccmp, tkip, wep104, wep40]
Keymgmt -> as [wpa-psk, wpa-eap, ieee8021x, wpa-none,
wps, none]
Protocol -> as [rsn, wpa]
AuthAlg -> as [open, shared, leap]
Scan -> as [active, passive, ssid, bssid, ies, channel]
P: State (read-only) -> s [disconnected, inactive, scanning,
authenticating, associating, associated, way_handshake, group_handshake,
completed, unknown]
P: Scanning (read-only) -> b
P: ApScan (read/write) -> u [0, 1, 2]
P: Ifname (read-only) -> s
P: Driver (read-only) -> s
P: Bridge-ifname (read-only) -> s
P: Level (read/write) -> u
P: Timestamp (read/write) -> b
P: Show_keys (read/write) -> b
P: Blobs (read-only) ->ao
P: Bsss (read-only) -> ao
P: Networks (read-only) -> ao
M: Scan (args a{sv})
args: Type -> s [active, passive]
SSIDs -> aay array of (SSID)
IEs -> aay array of (IE)
Channels -> a(uu) array of (center freq in KHz, width)
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.ScanDenied
M: Disconnect
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.NotConnected
M: AddNetwork (args a{sv}) -> o
args: <dict of network properties, see
M: RemoveNetwork (path o)
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.NetworkUnknown
M: SelectNetwork (path o)
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.NetworkUnknown
M: AddBlob (name s, data ay) -> o
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.BlobExists
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.UnknownError
M: RemoveBlob (path o)
E: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.BlobUnknown
S: PropertiesChanged -> properties a{sv}
S: ScanDone -> success b
S: StateChanged -> new_state s, old_state s
S: BssAdded -> path o
S: BssRemoved -> path o
S: BlobAdded -> path o
S: BlobRemoved -> path o
There were missing these signals in original Dan's proposal:
S: NetworkAdded, -> path o
S: NetworkRemoved -> path o
S: NetworkSelected -> path o
O: /fi/w1.wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/<interface_number>
I: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.WPS
M: Start (args a{sv}) -> a{sv}
args: Role -> s [enrollee, registrar]
Type -> a [pin, pbc]
Bssid -> ay (optional)
Pin -> s (optional)
Pin -> s (autogenerated PIN if not specified in args)
P: Credentials (read-only) -> a{sv}
BSSID -> ay
SSID -> ay
AuthType -> as [open, shared, wpa-psk,
wpa-eap, wpa2-eap, wpa2-psk]
EncrType -> as [none, wep, tkip, aes]
Key -> ay byte-array of key data
KeyIndex -> u
P: ProcessCredentials (read/write) -> b (TRUE ==
wps_cred_processing=2, FALSE == wps_cred_processing=1)
S: PropertiesChanged -> a{sv}
S: Event -> name s, args a{sv}
I: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.Network
P: Enabled (read/write) -> b
P: <wpa_supplicant network block properties> (read/write) -> a{sv}
- Most properties can be set as strings, but can also be set
as a byte array if necessary (SSID, BSSID, PSK, etc). Supplicant
can autoconvert like it does right now.
S: PropertiesChanged -> a{sv}
O: /fi/w1.wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/<interface_number>/Blobs/<blob_name>
I: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.Blob
P: Name (read-only) -> s
P: Data (read-only) -> ay
O: /fi/w1.wpa_supplicant1/Interfaces/<interface_number>/BSSs/<BSSID>
I: fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.BSS
P: <BSS properties - identical to current BSSID properties> (read-only)
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