Internal TLS/crypto in wpa supplicant

Mahendra Prajapat mahendra.p
Wed Jan 9 04:51:56 PST 2008

Dear Jouni,

Thanx a lot for your support whenever required.
EAP-TLS is successful using Internal TLS/crypto.

I have generated the test certificates using "OpenSSL" toolkit.

Based on your following suggestions,I was able to do successful EAP-TLS
1. Server as well as Client private keys should be in DER format and must be
2. I have removed "ProxyCertInfo" from my openssl.cnf file.

Thanks a ton for your timely reply.



-----Original Message-----
From: hostap-bounces at [mailto:hostap-bounces at]
On Behalf Of Jouni Malinen
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 8:31 AM
To: hostap at
Subject: Re: Internal TLS/crypto in wpa supplicant

On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 10:17:31AM +0530, Mahendra Prajapat wrote:

> X509: issuer C=IN, ST=Karnataka, L=Bangalore, O=SAMSUNG, OU=SISO, 
> CN=Mahen/emailAddress=mahendra.p at
> X509: subject C=IN, ST=Karnataka, L=Bangalore, O=SAMSUNG, OU=SISO, 
> CN=Mahen/emailAddress=mahendra.p at

> X509: Extension: extnID= critical=255

How did you generate this certificate? It seems to be a proxy certificate
based on the extension, but the subject field does not seem to meet the
requirements for proxy certificates.. After reading some more about proxy
certificates, I'm not that sure I would even want to support these for
WPA/IEEE 802.1X authentication. Is there any particular reason for using
proxy certificates for whatever you are doing?

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA
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