Asymmetric encryption

Damien Leroy damien.leroy
Tue Dec 23 01:02:47 PST 2008

For testing, it is simpler ;-) (and because some of them are stored 
locally without the need to change them)
But it is also because "crypto_public_key_from_cert" is not implemented 
in crypto_internal !
So I know understand. Maybe it should be added to the specifications.

Thanks !

Jouni Malinen a ?crit :
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 04:53:43PM +0100, Damien Leroy wrote:
>> Actually, I see now where is the issue if I try to parse the public key 
>> ASN1 structure but I do not know how to generate them in the right way 
>> (except manually). For the moment, the only solution I found to work 
>> with public keys is to parse the private key that have a beginning with 
>> the correct structure and to comment the content remaining check... but 
>> it is not really a true solution.
> OK. I think I understood what you are trying to do.. However, there is
> no (intentional, at least ;-) support for reading public keys from files
> outside the concept of reading a certificate that includes a public
> key. The code that parses public key is used only to process the public
> key inside a certificate or inside the TLS handshake. As such, no
> standard format for public key stored in a file has been considered in
> the code. You may need to add a new function to parse plain public keys.
> Do you have any particular reason for not using X.509 certificates? Are
> you assuming that the public keys are delivered over a trusted
> out-of-band process and there is no need for PKI?

Damien Leroy
Computer Science & Engineering Dept. (INGI)
UCLouvain - Belgium 

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