wpa_cli - how to set net_nwtwork pairwiseTKIP CCMP

Manuel Sahm Manuel.Sahm
Thu Aug 28 04:53:05 PDT 2008

I have set WPA2 encryption in my router (TKIP + AES).
If I type iwlist scan, linux shows me the 
group cipher : TKIP 
pairwise ciphers (2) : CCMP TKIP
1.) Why is group cipher only TKIP and not TKIP CCMP ?
2.) how could I set via wpa_cli the pairwise varaible to TKIP CCMP ?
If I type wpa_cli -iwlan0 set_network TKIP CCMP ist doesn?t work, the
function only allows 3 paramters ???
Thank you
Manuel Sahm
wpa_cli - how to set net_nwtwork pairwiseTKIP CCMP
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