wpa_supplicant devel version && service pack 2
Thu Aug 28 03:04:15 PDT 2008
Sergio escribi?:
> Sergio escribi?:
>> Please, does binary version compiled with smartcard support?
>> Configuration examples suggest it, but my wpa_supplicant cannot get
>> pin value
> this is the error
> TLS: Failed to load private key
> EAPOL: EAP parameter needed
> CTRL-REQ-PIN-0:PIN needed for SSID kely
> EAP-TLS: Failed to initialize SSL.
> EAP-TLS: Requesting Smartcard PIN
> EAPOL: EAP parameter needed
> CTRL-REQ-PIN-0:PIN needed for SSID kely
> EAP: Failed to initialize EAP method: vendor 0 method 13 (TLS)
> EAP: Pending PIN/passphrase request - skip Nak
> and i have a correct pin, pin="123456" into network block. I don't
> understand it ....., i suposse that if supplicant was not compiled
> with smartcard support, there wouldn't be any example using it into
> .conf file. any help?
if anyone is reading me, why pin was removed while parsing configuration
key_id - hexdump_ascii(len=40):
39 31 65 30 30 63 38 62 61 63 61 62 31 62 30 61 91e00c8bacab1b0a
34 62 32 39 38 33 63 37 62 63 62 65 64 32 63 31 4b2983c7bcbed2c1
66 61 33 33 65 32 34 33 fa33e243
pin - hexdump_ascii(len=6): [REMOVED]
Line: 490 - start of a new network block
also psk was removed, mmmmm this sounds interesting
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