wpa_supplicant fails to preauthenticate

Jouni Malinen j
Mon Dec 3 06:56:06 PST 2007

On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 07:50:44PM +0530, Paresh Sawant wrote:

>            I'm trying to make wpa_supplicant ( on windows XP with
> CONFIG_USE_NDISUIO ) preauthenticate with ap2 while it is already associated
> with ap1. Following are the network blocks I've specified in .conf -
> network={
>     ssid="ap1"
>     key_mgmt=WPA-PSK

> network={
>     ssid="ap2"
>     key_mgmt=WPA-EAP

I wouldn't be surprised if pre-authentication would not work when
associated with a WPA-PSK AP. This is somewhat odd configuration of RSN
pre-authentication. I don't remember whether this is even allowed in the
IEEE 802.11 standard. Anyway, it looks like the problem here could be in
use of different SSIDs. I've only ever heard of pre-authentication used
within the same ESS, i.e., between APs that use the the same SSID.

Is this kind of network really deployed somewhere or is this just a test

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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