Trying to connect to network with LEAP authentication

James J. Ramsey jjramsey_6x9eq42
Wed Sep 27 16:07:00 PDT 2006

--- Dan Williams <dcbw at> wrote:

> Because the vendors themselves don't do the drivers.

Except that in the case of my driver, the vendor
*does* do it. Some Intel programmers do work on the
driver, and the binary daemon, of course, is all
Intel's work.

>  If they cared
> about Linux, they would care to put their Linux
> drivers through at least
> some of the same testing as the Windows ones.

You are probably right, here, though it is awfully odd
that Intel cares enough to write compilers for Linux,
but seems to provide anemic support for their wireless
drivers. This, of course, assumes that the problem is
in the driver and not in some obscure part of my

Seriously, though, if you have some concrete ideas on
how to diagnose the problem, i.e. finding out what the
computer is sending to the access point versus what I
think it should be sending, I'd be glad to read it.

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