Wireless card not working

Jar jar
Sun Oct 8 10:00:45 PDT 2006

Dan Williams wrote:
> FC5 has the hostap driver _and_ the orinoco driver, and both work for a
> subset of the same hardware.  They are likely fighting for the card.
> Add these lines to your /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist file:
> orinoco
> orinoco_cs
> orinoco_pci
> orinoco_nortel
> orinoco_plx
> orinoco_tmd

Any idea why this same is not working with FC4? If I put

blacklist orinoco_pci
blacklist hermes
blacklist orinoco

to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-custom, the orinoco_pci and hostap_pci are 
both loaded.

Best Regards, Jar

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