WPA_CLI: Difficulty switching from 1connection to another

George S. Lockwood gslockwood
Tue Aug 8 20:26:55 PDT 2006

Did not know about the -t.  thx!

Here's what I wish to do:

(all different identities and passwords and each stored correctly in the
config file).

Case A.
connect to AP1, then connect to AP2, then connect to AP3.


Case B.
connect to AP1, then connect to AP2, then connect to AP1.


Case C.
connect to AP1, change identify and password, then connect to AP1, change
identify and password, then connect to AP1.

combinations like that.

I believe I've tried select_network 0, then select_network 1 and even
select_network 0, then select_network 0 and that didn't even go through the
process of connecting to the second attempt...just sat there.

I'll do exactly whatever you advise me to do... if Network 0 and 1 are
properly setup (and for different APs), how exactly -command by command-
does one properly connect to AP0 (using network 0) then connect to AP1
(using network 1)??

also someone wrote that html emails clutter the forum is that true?

thanks for you suggestions,


On 8/8/06, Jouni Malinen <jkmaline at cc.hut.fi> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 08, 2006 at 05:01:38PM -0700, George S. Lockwood wrote:
> > As requested here is a log of a case of it not connecting to a network
> after
> > a connection is established.  In fact this is trying to connect to the
> very
> > same network that it was connected to just before.  Sorry couldn't get
> all
> > the console msgs but you can see that the connection is authenticated.
> This does not match with what I understood you were trying to do, i.e.,
> moving between two different APs and neither does this do just the
> select_network command. Disconnect command is requesting wpa_supplicant
> to disconnect from all networks, you will need to use reassociate to get
> it connected again. If that does not work, please send a debug log that
> continues further after the wpa_cli command.
> > Please note: I've added the time to the console msgs, and yes I see that
> > sometimes it get written twice, not sure why at this moment, but that is
> not
> > my concern just now.
> -t command line option in wpa_supplicant should add the timestamp
> correctly without any modification needed for this..
> >   2.  through wpa_cli I send a ap_scan=2 command. (because it is
> >   hidden).
> >   5. Then through wpa_cli I send a disconnect command.
> >   6. through wpa_cli I send another ap_scan=2 command.
> This should not be needed since ap_scan=2 was already configured in step
> 2.
> >   8. through wpa_cli I send another select_network "FeatherSecure"
> >   command
> Since you used disconnect in step 5, this should be replaced with
> reassociate command. select_network can be used to move between two
> networks when disconnect command is not used.
> --
> Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA
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