alternative to "ipconfig renew"

Hyewon Jun hyewon
Tue Sep 6 06:38:08 PDT 2005

Thank you for your tips!

However, I don't use dhcpclient, but my card retrieves an IP address
through dhcp service.

I installed fedora core 3. Any idea what is the executable name related
to the dhcp client?

dhcp + "tap" + "tap"
shows me that I have dhcp6c, dhcp6s, and dhcpd.

Thank you!
-Hyewon Jun

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Jar wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > In window, we can use "ipconfig renew" to obtain a new IP address
> > using DHCP. Is there a similar command in Linux to obtain a new IP address
> > from a DHCP server?
> If you use dhclient as a clinent then 'dhclient -r wlan0' should help.
> --
> Best Regards, Jar

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