Patches to use madwifi-ng with hostapd-0.4.6 and wpa_supplicant-0.4.6

Beat Meier bmeier
Tue Nov 8 15:42:24 PST 2005


New version of wireless.h don't define anymore some includes.
Changes of drivers like madwifi will affect always hostapd, wpa_supplicant
because of changes of wireless packages.
Why was wireless_copy.h added?

Madwifi has added now iwlib.h instead of linnux/wireless.h as you stated 
should not be included in userspace progs because of kernel space headers.
But iwlib.h would be the right inlcude also for hostapd, wpa_supplicant?

Please let me know if anything is against this approch.
If we do so we have to change madwifi include file.

We are trying to find the way so everything works together again with 

Here are my patch proposel.
This are all against wpa_supplicant-0.4.6 and hostapd-0.4.6

I have defined an other DEFINE for new driver so we can have old and new 
driver in parallel.
ioctl section of driver_madwifi could be changed only error case i.e. 
last entry of list but
I think do it so we have more flexibilty if old driver should change 
(but in fact should not ...)

Notes about applying:
First *_madwifi_ng.patch must be applied and if you agree to change 
wireless_copy.h for iwlib.h
apply *_iwlib_header.patch.

I have compiled with new madwifi-1314 and old bsd brach version 
I have not tested old version...

Please let me know as soon as possible if we can go this way so we can 
work on at madwifi
and do the changes.

The other patch is against madwifi-1314 if you want compile against 


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