Problem with WPA-PSK
Tue May 3 16:29:42 PDT 2005
Try including the following in your network block for your PSK network:
This works for me using WPA-PSK with a DLink AP
Hope this helps you out.
- Rocci.
Nicolas Labrosse wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I've tried to sort this out on the gentoo forum but without success.
>I want to use Wifi on my laptop and I use wpa_supplicant with atheros card AR5212. It works if I choose WEP encryption but I can't get it to work if I choose WPA-PSK.
>I use wpa_supplicant v0.3.8, madwifi-driver-0.1_pre20050224, and madwifi-tools-0.1_pre20050106 from portage
>System: Linux laptop 2.6.11-gentoo-r6 #5 SMP Tue Apr 26 23:29:55 BST 2005 i686 Mobile Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.06GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
>Here is the output of running 'wpa_supplicant -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -Dmadwifi -dd'
>Initializing interface 'ath0' conf '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' driver 'madwifi'
>Configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf' -> '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
>Reading configuration file '/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'
>Line: 187 - start of a new network block
>ssid - hexdump_ascii(len=10):
> obscured my_ssid
>PSK (ASCII passphrase) - hexdump_ascii(len=18): [REMOVED]
>PSK (from passphrase) - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
>Priority group 0
> id=0 ssid='my_ssid'
>Initializing interface (2) 'ath0'
>EAPOL: KEY_RX entering state NO_KEY_RECEIVE
>EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
>EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
>EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
>Own MAC address: 00:02:8a:b8:15:1e
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_wpa: enabled=1
>wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=0
>wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=1
>wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=2
>wpa_driver_madwifi_del_key: keyidx=3
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_countermeasures: enabled=0
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1
>Setting scan request: 0 sec 100000 usec
>Wireless event: cmd=0x8b06 len=8
>RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'ath0' added
>RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'ath0' added
>Starting AP scan (broadcast SSID)
>Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=12
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=0 idleWhile=0
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=0 idleWhile=0
>Wireless event: cmd=0x8b19 len=12
>Received 459 bytes of scan results (2 BSSes)
>Scan results: 2
>Selecting BSS from priority group 0
>0: 00:05:b4:07:e9:91 ssid='my_ssid' wpa_ie_len=26 rsn_ie_len=0
> selected
>Trying to associate with 00:05:b4:07:e9:91 (SSID='my_ssid' freq=2437 MHz)
>Cancelling scan request
>Automatic auth_alg selection: 0x1
>WPA: using IEEE 802.11i/D3.0
>WPA: Selected cipher suites: group 8 pairwise 8 key_mgmt 2
>WPA: using GTK TKIP
>WPA: using PTK TKIP
>WPA: Own WPA IE - hexdump(len=24): obscured
>No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=1
>Setting authentication timeout: 5 sec 0 usec
>EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
>EAPOL: External notification - EAP fail=0
>EAPOL: External notification - portControl=Auto
>Wireless event: cmd=0x8b1a len=23
>Wireless event: cmd=0x8b15 len=20
>Wireless event: new AP: 00:05:b4:07:e9:91
>Association event - clear replay counter
>Associated to a new BSS: BSSID=00:05:b4:07:e9:91
>No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
>Associated with 00:05:b4:07:e9:91
>EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
>EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
>EAPOL: External notification - EAP success=0
>EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=1
>EAPOL: txStart
>WPA: drop TX EAPOL in non-IEEE 802.1X mode (type=1 len=0)
>EAPOL: SUPP_BE entering state IDLE
>EAP: EAP entering state INITIALIZE
>EAP: EAP entering state IDLE
>Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
>RTM_NEWLINK, IFLA_IFNAME: Interface 'ath0' added
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=29 idleWhile=59
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=28 idleWhile=58
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=27 idleWhile=57
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=26 idleWhile=56
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=25 idleWhile=55
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=24 idleWhile=54
>RX EAPOL from 00:05:b4:07:e9:8e
>RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=99): obscured
>Setting authentication timeout: 10 sec 0 usec
>EAPOL: Ignoring WPA EAPOL-Key frame in EAPOL state machines
>IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=95
> EAPOL-Key type=254
>WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): obscured
>WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 00:05:b4:07:e9:8e (ver=1)
>WPA: WPA IE for msg 2/4 - hexdump(len=24): obscured
>WPA: Renewed SNonce - hexdump(len=32): obscured
>WPA: PMK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
>WPA: PTK - hexdump(len=64): [REMOVED]
>WPA: EAPOL-Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): obscured
>WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4
>WPA: TX EAPOL-Key 2/4 - hexdump(len=137): obscured
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=23 idleWhile=53
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=22 idleWhile=52
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=21 idleWhile=51
>RX EAPOL from 00:05:b4:07:e9:8e
>RX EAPOL - hexdump(len=99): obscured
>EAPOL: Ignoring WPA EAPOL-Key frame in EAPOL state machines
>IEEE 802.1X RX: version=1 type=3 length=95
> EAPOL-Key type=254
>WPA: RX EAPOL-Key - hexdump(len=99): obscured
>WPA: RX message 1 of 4-Way Handshake from 00:05:b4:07:e9:8e (ver=1)
>WPA: WPA IE for msg 2/4 - hexdump(len=24): obscured
>WPA: PMK - hexdump(len=32): [REMOVED]
>WPA: PTK - hexdump(len=64): [REMOVED]
>WPA: EAPOL-Key MIC - hexdump(len=16): obscured
>WPA: Sending EAPOL-Key 2/4
>WPA: TX EAPOL-Key 2/4 - hexdump(len=137): obscured
>EAPOL: Port Timers tick - authWhile=0 heldWhile=0 startWhen=20 idleWhile=50
>Signal 2 received - terminating
>No keys have been configured - skip key clearing
>EAPOL: External notification - portEnabled=0
>EAP: EAP entering state DISABLED
>EAPOL: External notification - portValid=0
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_wpa: enabled=0
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_drop_unencrypted: enabled=0
>wpa_driver_madwifi_set_countermeasures: enabled=0
>it stops when I hit ctrl-C, otherwise it goes on and on...
>My config file is:
> ssid="my_ssid"
> psk="my psk phrase"
>Nothing too fancy in the network block. Should I change anything?
>When I use WEP, the network block is as follows
> ssid="my_ssid"
> key_mgmt=NONE
> wep_key0=mywepkey
>Any help appreciated!
>Thanks a lot,
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