Help about the hostapd

HLSun at HLSun
Wed Jul 13 04:59:36 PDT 2005


    Sorry to interrupt you, I am studying the open source project
hostapd and get your mail from the newsgroup- gmane.

 and here is a question about the hostapd project , I am wondering if
you could help me.

     The question is that, I could not figure out how the hostap driver
notify the hostapd about its status. For example, if I configure the ap
with WPA-PSK, TKIP encryption, and after the STA has associated to the
AP, then it is the ap's turn to

start the 4-way Handshake, but how the hostapd know there is a STA has
associated to the AP? 

      I have spent much time on the code, there is some clue about that.
First clue is the wireless_send_event, the hostap

driver use this function to notify several status to the hostapd , but
just one, IWEVCUSTOM is done by the hostapd for hostap driver. It is
strange enough!

      The second clue is the socket, the hostapd use a lot of sockets
function, but I don't find one send or sendto function

In the hostap driver.

       Do you have any another for this question? Thank you very much,
and any clue is welcome!


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