strange problems after upgrading to kernel 2.6.10rc1

Jean Tourrilhes jt
Fri Oct 29 10:01:12 PDT 2004

Jouni wrote :
> On Fri, Oct 29, 2004 at 01:30:32AM +0000, Benjamin Stritter wrote:
> > after upgrading my hostap-box to a new kernel (gentoo, linux-2.6.10-rc1-
> > mm1, wich is linux-2.6.10-rc1 with the mm-patchset), i have some
> > problems with the hostap-driver kernel module.
> With the new development model for Linux 2.6, this is likely to become
> more frequent.. Linux 2.6.10-rc1 seems to have changed PCI calls for
> driver registration and power saving state in a way which is not
> backwards compatible.

	I remember some driver authors grumbling about all the changes
to the Wireless Extension API and all the pain it was causing in his
driver. I'm glad that this time, I'm not the culprit.
	Some kernel developpers seem to have a position that backward
compatibility should be avoided at all cost and breaking it is good
fun. One of the "benefit" is that it punishes driver living outside
the kernel, and therefore encourage people to maintain their driver in
the kernel. So, I guess we can expect more of it.
	Wich brin nicely to the topic of inclusion of HostAP in the

	Have fun...


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