hostap driver make error

AP-Research HostAP-Research
Tue Jun 8 11:46:40 PDT 2004

<quote who="Utin Mikhail A CONT NPRI">
> Hi,
> I am using Fedora Core 1, and trying to install hostap driver set to use
> it with Kismet wireless sniffer.
> I believe that I should use kernel tree PCMCIA support <snip>

> Before starting make I changed KERNEL_PATH to what I have:
> /usr/src/linux-2.4.22-1.2188.npt1 (I have it after upgrade). However,
> there is no any config file, and make generated error:

There are configs which exists for the Fedora Core stock kernels from
Redhat... for your version it'd be:

Save yourself some time when compiling software by making two generic
pointers to whatever current kernel source you're using.  This way you can
build software against your kernel without having to mess with EACH
Makefile... just re-point the symbolic link "linux" to whatever kernel
you're running:

[root]# cd /usr/src/
[root]# ln -s linux-2.4.22-1.2188.npt1 linux-2.4   <--- should already exist
[root]# ln -s linux-2.4 linux

Then edit the hostap/Makefile and set KERNEL_PATH=/usr/src/linux.
Next you need to copy the "_correct_" .config for your running kernel:

[root]# cd /usr/src/linux
[root]# cp /boot/config-`uname -r` ./.config attention to the _back tics_ around uname -r.

Now you have a config file for the kernel you're running.  Next you need
to prepare the kernel source as if you were going to install it:

[root]# make dep
...I forget if this part is necessary for HostAP:
[root]# make modules

Then you can make HostAP... it builds against your configured kernel
sources :)

> In /usr/src/linux-2.4.22-1.2188.npt1/configs there are a lot of kernel
> configuration files, should one of them (kernel-2.4.22-i386.config upto
> kernel-2.4.22-i686.config) be used? I can change the path in Makefile to
> absolute value.

These are basic configs you can use as a starting point.  If you want to
build your own custom kernel then copy one of them into /usr/src/linux as
.config and make xconfig (if you're running X) or make menuconfig (if
you're not)

KC Ferguson

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