PATCH for Sony U101 Laptop PCI wifi

Tristan Donaldson tristan
Mon Sep 1 05:40:05 PDT 2003

Noticed that the device ID for my wifi card in my Sony U101 laptop is 
one out from the one in the hostap_pci.c file.  So added my device id to 
the host_pci.c file.  Here is a patch that allows the module to be 

Here is the relevant section in my /proc/pci

   Bus  2, device  11, function  0:
     Network controller: PCI device 1260:3872 (Harris Semiconductor) 
(rev 1).
       IRQ 9.
       Master Capable.  Latency=64.
       Prefetchable 32 bit memory at 0xf0000000 [0xf0000fff].

Patch seems to work fine when running in Managed Mode,  haven't tried in 
when running as a Access Point.

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