LinkSys WPC11 doesn't work in host_roaming mode
Sorin PAUN
Mon May 12 05:16:26 PDT 2003
LinkSys WPC11 (NIC: id=0x801b v1.0.0) doesn't seem to do the
JoinRequests after I pass it in host_roaming mode:
In fact, after a scan (initiated as a result of specifying a new
preferred_ap or automatically by the firmaware because of low quality
the driver correctly send a JoinRequest that doesn't complete...
I tried it with both 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 versions of the driver.
Other older cards (Farallon SkyLine 11Mb) work fine...
wlan0: ScanResults: Reserved=0x0b84 ScanReason=1
wlan0: Preferred AP BSSID 00:60:1d:04:ec:af
wlan0: using preferred AP selection
wlan0: JoinRequest: BSSID=00:60:1d:04:ec:af channel=11
wlan0: ScanResults: Reserved=0x0cf0 ScanReason=2
wlan0: last join request has not yet been completed - waiting for it
before issuing new one
lso, I would like to reiterate a question from a previous mail: it could
be possible to do the JoinRequest after specifying a preferred_ap
without initiating a scan (the scan consumes usually between 200 and
400ms, depending on the number of channels scanned and the activity of
each of these channels, and I think that only the association could take
only 10-20ms) ? Canthe driver memorize the ap's channel from a previous
scan or can we send the channel, too to the driver by a modified
Sorin PAUN mailto:Laurentiu-Sorin.Paun at
Doctorant INPG
Laboratoire LSR-IMAG, Equipe Drakkar
681, rue de la Passerelle - BP 72 phone: (+33) (0)4 76 82 72 12
38402 St Martin d'H?res Cedex - France fax: (+33) (0)4 76 82 72 87
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