Hostapd questions...

Jouni Malinen jkmaline
Fri May 9 19:45:02 PDT 2003

On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 07:53:40AM -0500, Jerry wrote:

> I have an insignificant question... Is there a way to change what hostapd sends as a username and or password?  Or more correctly the format of the username and/or password sent?

There is, but not without recompilation. Relevant excerpt from

- optional query to external RADIUS Authentication server
  (User-Name and User-Password are set to station MAC address;
  default format (RADIUS_ADDR_FORMAT in hostapd/radius.h has no
  delimiters and uses lower case hex characters, e.g.,
  00123456789a (= 00:12:34:56:78:9a); this shares the same
  RADIUS server configuration with IEEE 802.1X

Jouni Malinen                                            PGP id EFC895FA

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