How can i enable the WDS mode

Martin Polak mpolak
Mon Mar 10 00:59:47 PST 2003

I am not totally sure of this, but it is the way that I do it:
Both APs have the same SSID
Both bridges have all 3 interfaces (wlan,wlanwds, eth) enslaved
each AP has a WDS to the other.

You usually have to wait some time for the bridges to learn about
network topology.
Do both APs have same Version of hostap_cs and STA-Firmware Version


Spark.Kuo(???) wrote:
> Dear Martin:
> 	thank you for your respone,
> 	but i still can't connect WIRELESS station in wireless net A and WIRED station in WIRED net B.
> 	and i have a question:
> 	1. Does the ssid must same  in WDS?or it is roaming model.
> 	please feel free to correct my opinion.
> spark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Polak [mailto:mpolak at]
> Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 3:59 PM
> To: hostap
> Cc: Spark.Kuo(???)
> Subject: Re: How can i enable the WDS mode
> Spark.Kuo(???) wrote:
>>Dear all:
>>	i have studiedthe README.PRISM2 and try the command as follow:
>>Network  (same address space in each network)
>>	 AP-A : wlan0(ssid:1111) -- <wireless net A>-- wireless station:
>>                               |
>>                              WDS
>>                               |
>>                             wlan0(ssid:2222) : AP-B : eth0--<wired net B>---wired station:
>>AP-A: wireless LAN card with hwaddr 00:11:11:11:11:11, IP addr
>>AP-B: wireless LAN card with hwaddr 00:22:22:22:22:22, IP addr
>>AP-A configuration:
>>iwpriv wlan0 wds_add 00:22:22:22:22:22 <--i have change the mac to my cards,
>>brctl addbr br0
>>brctl addif br0 eth0
>>brctl addif br0 wlan0
>>brctl addif br0 wlan0wds0
>>ifconfig eth0
>>ifconfig wlan0
>>ifconfig wlan0wds0
>>ifconfig br0 up
>>AP-B configuration:
>>iwpriv wlan0 wds_add 00:11:11:11:11:11<--i have change the mac to my cards,
>>brctl addbr br0
>>brctl addif br0 eth0
>>brctl addif br0 wlan0wds0
>>ifconfig eth0
>>ifconfig wlan0wds0
>>ifconfig br0 up
> You will have to add wlan0 on AP-B to the brigde too, and both APs
> should have the same ESSID.
> Thats how it works in my net.
> Martin

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