[patch] WDS & bridge, other ...
Jiri Fojtasek
Fri Jul 25 00:39:13 PDT 2003
Hello all
This patch solving some instability issues :
* When bridge not have same mac address as wlan and wds devices, WDS
ethernet frame source address is not correct (only wds compilant frames)
* Bridge can send some frames by wlan0 with not existent destination
address whish cause some txexc, and when try send a frame in to own mac
address (addr1=addr2) sometimes causes firmware lockup (confirmed on
1.5.6). Now is all kind of those frames droped ...
* Optimized hfa384x_wait_offset function whish always read two times
busy offset register, probing time resolution is set back to 1usec. I
have tested how much time is need for waiting and average time is 3usec
(pci card). 10 usec was too long. This also fixing some bap timeout
messages ...
* Addet enhanced "Could not find sta for this TX error" loging, what
help me made those fixes
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