hostap-driver & snmpd problem

Brad Davidson kiloman
Wed Dec 10 11:09:40 PST 2003

Furthermore... Here's what Net-SNMP is trying to do. When it attempts to 
check the current connection speed of the device, it's using some 
mii-specific IOCTLS.:

unsigned int getIfSpeed(int fd, struct ifreq ifr){
         unsigned int retspeed = 10000000;
#ifdef linux
/* the code is based on mii-diag utility by Donald Becker
* see

...(a few lines later)...

         if (ioctl(fd, 0x8947, &ifr) >= 0) {
                 new_ioctl_nums = 1;
         } else if (ioctl(fd, SIOCDEVPRIVATE, &ifr) >= 0) {
                 new_ioctl_nums = 0;
         } else {
                 DEBUGMSGTL(("mibII/interfaces", "SIOCGMIIPHY on %s 
failed\n", ifr.ifr_name));
                 return retspeed;

So that, it appears, would account for both messages. It's trying to 
poll all interfaces for mii-specific details, regardless of whether or 
not the interfaces have a mii controller. Like I said before, that 
shouldn't interfere with your network connection.

Now, it may be doing something else that's causing problems... but the 
warnings about unsupported ioctls do not appear to be related to the 
connection issues.


jar wrote:
> net-snmp-5.0.9-2.90.1.i386.rpm
> net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.90.1.i386.rpm
> Now every time the mrtg updates it's graphcps (via snmp), I get the 
> following dmesg error messages in wlan machine:
> wlan0 unsupported ioctl(0x89f0)
> wlan0 unsupported ioctl(0x8947)

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