Tx power conttrol issue

Jirka Bohac jbohac
Sat Aug 2 05:57:17 PDT 2003


> No, removal of txpower command has nothing to do with either of these
> issues. First one can be fixed easily and accuracy is not that much of a
> problem. Just read the v0.0.4 entry in ChangeLog for the real reason.

well, I did, but I can't understand what you mean: 
"the experimental algorithm in the driver did not include any feedback
from the measured TX power and could allow TX power values that cause
interference or signal quality issues"

What algorithm? The "dBm" value is simply transformed into the
128-255,0-127 range and written to CR31.

How can that cause interference/poor quality? By setting the power too
high/low? Well, I thought that this was the aim of txpower control - to
let the user take over the txpower setting and test the signal quality
and interference herself, not relying on some strange firmware

> I will probably take a look at implementing proper feedback loop from
> the TX power measurements. 

What is is supposed to do? Isn't the feedback value in CR58 only a
result of the CR31 (txpower)? Or can it be influeced by something else
as well? (If not, what would be the point of using the feedback? - how
would that improve interference/signal quality?)

> Clean and tested patch to implement this would be accepted gladly ;-).

Once I find out what you're trying to achieve.... I might try :)



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