BBC 1 TV Schedules not downloading

MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News news at
Wed Jun 19 06:06:25 PDT 2024

On 12/06/2024 23:33, MacFH - C E Macfarlane - News wrote:
> As per subject, myself and at least one or two others are not able to
> obtain BBC 1 TV Schedules, what we see is this ...
> WARNING: Got 0 programmes for BBC One schedule page (HTML):
> WARNING: Failed to parse BBC One schedule page:
> Other channels seem fine.

Spent some time this morning investigating this a little further ...

The URL in the error message from GiP is of the form ...

... and visiting the parent page at ...

... shows only links to regional variations of the BBC1 schedules,
whereas if you substitute, say, the BBC4 pid ...

... you get pages populated with programme information.  Regional
variations for BBC1, for example London, seem to be unaffected ...

On 15/6 I submitted a complaint to the BBC pointing out that pages of
the BBC1 national schedules were devoid of schedules, but have received
only the initial acknowledgement, and have heard nothing back since.

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