Help migrating get_iplayer from windows to linux

Dave Widgery dave.widgery at
Thu Jul 25 07:26:44 PDT 2024

I would just like a little help moving get_iplayer from windows to
linux, this really ought to be easy for me as I did unix system
management for about 10 years, but a long time ago and mainly on SUN
microsystems kit, since then I have really only used PC's and then
only as a basic user, and I could tell you more about building,
plumbing and electrical work, than computers.

My old pc that I have get_iplayer on is dying, so I had the idea to
setup an old HP laptop of mine to work as a network disk server and
also do any get_iplayer downloads that I want in the background.

My first mistake (possibly) was installing Linux MINT, I had played
around with it on a friend's machine, and it looked simple enough, of
course when I go to the next step and try and download get_iplayer,
there isn't a build for MINT. So before I go about installing a
different build, I thought I would ask the question.

What I want is a system that I can use for disk sharing to
Windows/Android, use a standard supported version of get_iplayer,
finally to be able to control it remotely, as it will sit down in my

I also don't really want to think too much about setting it up, gone
are the days when I used to enjoy sitting down for hours playing with

So first question is what version of Linux do you suggest for
get_iplayer, just for ease I would prefer one with a window's type

Second Question, disk sharing, I always used to use samba back in the
day, is this still a favorite or is there something better these days,
this will be for general files but also audio and video.

Finally, I want to mirror the desktop to either PC or Android
Tablet/Smartphone, is there something built in these days, if not what
package to go for.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions, the simpler, the better.


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