Problem with 3.06 PVR

RS richard22j at
Fri Nov 10 02:18:41 PST 2017

From: Jon Crookston
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2017 1:34 AM

>As for the cygwin issue, mentioned by a few other posters: I've always run 
>gip under cygwin.  I think when I first began to use it there was no 
>windows version available. (According to >my download_history, using 
>Richard's method to extract the date from the epoch-timestamp, this was 
>probably in early 2010.)  While I've long aspired to run 'real'     linux, 
>or at least >dual boot, I've never managed to prioritise the time to make 
>it happen, and cygwin is pretty good for what I need.  I've never 
>considered cygwin to be 'asking for trouble', but I >recognise that it may 
>have limitations.

>The thing which I still don't really understand is that nothing changed on 
>my system, and gip became broken.  Does this mean that there was a switch 
>from http to https at the BBC's >end?  If so, I'm surprised that this 
>wasn't more widely known about.  Normally, by the time I notice that gip 
>has stopped working I find a lot of traffic on this list from people with 
>the >same problem.  I remain very grateful to the developer for providing 
>fixes so quickly in such circumstances.

The release notes
show the date for v3.05 as 2017-10-12.  The v3.05 release notes say,

Changes in 3.05
Web PVR: Updated to support HTTPS URLs for Quick URL recording. The BBC has 
begun redirecting iPlayer episode pages to secure equivalents, and Web PVR 
limitations have required changing "https:" to "http:" for pages used in the 
Quick URL box. This did not affect the CLI or recording from search results 
in Web PVR.

That may have some connection with the problem you had.

I have never used Cygwin so I am not denigrating it.  I have been using 
get_iplayer since it started (2008?) and I have so far only used the Windows 
version.  For Windows there has always been the Windows installer which 
packages everything needed to run it.  Packages have also been produced for 
Ubuntu and Raspbian and maybe other distributions.  Using the packages saves 
effort.  In addition there are lots of users using the same configuration so 
that any problems get reported and fixed quickly.  If you use a 
configuration noone else is using you are on your own (relatively).

On top of that any emulator adds its own limitations to the limitations of 
the underlying operating system.  I get the impression from the web pages 
about Cygwin that there are a lot of choices to be made.  There must be 
scope for problems to be introduced by leaving something out of Cygwin.

As for reporting errors, I suspect DinkyPumpkin does read this listserver, 
but the only official route for reporting errors is the forum.  dinky will 
only reply in the forum.

Anyway I'm glad you got it fixed.

Best wishes

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