--history usage

Ralph Corderoy ralph at inputplus.co.uk
Wed Nov 8 10:24:34 PST 2017

Hi Richard,

> What is the significance of the index numbers returned by a search
> with --history?

They are line numbers, one based, in ~/.get_iplayer/download_history.

> Is there any easy way of getting the complete records? 

It's a simple text file of one record per line, with `|'-separated

    $ awk -F\| '{print $6}' ~/.get_iplayer/download_history |
    > sort | uniq -c | sort -n
	  1 dafhigh1
	  1 flashaaclow1
	  1 flashvhigh2
	  1 hlsvhigh1
	  1 hvflow1
	  4 flashhigh1
	 10 flashhd2
	 28 flashaacstd1
	 31 hvfxsd1
	148 flashvhigh1
	312 hlshd1
       1278 flashhd1

Cheers, Ralph.

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