daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at the.forthnet.gr
Thu May 11 20:15:43 PDT 2017

 On Fri May 12 01:02:11 BST 2017, tellyaddict wrote:

(daf* radiomodes broken by the BBC!)
> The feeds are still there in the mediaselector.
> Any ideas what needs to be changed to fix it?

 Well, I couldn't really sleep until I debugged this
for myself, so there you go:

 In my GiP 2.97 copy, I restored daf* radiomodes by
changing line (possibly mangled by mailer)

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/transferformat/dash?cb='.( sprintf 
"%05.0f", 99999*rand(0) ), 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

to (also possibly mangled by mailer):

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/transferformat/dash', 3, undef, undef, 1, 
1 );

 Downloaded a dashmed radiomode successfully;
I haven't tried this patch on GiP 3.01; since it also
supports DASH video streams (dvf tvmodes),
it may/may not break them; try and tell us...

> Flash modes seem to be vanishing as well in 2.99
> and still just about available in 2.96.
> Again what's changed and what needs to be changed?

 Are you referring to flashaac radiomodes?
In a similar fashion, I was able to restore flashaac
radiomodes in GiP 2.97 (without, AFAICT, affecting flash
tvmodes) by changing line (possibly mangled by mailer)

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/proto/rtmp?cb='.( sprintf "%05.0f", 
99999*rand(0) ), 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

to (also possibly mangled by mailer):

$xml = main::request_url_retry( $ua, 
$media_stream_pc_prefix.$verpid.'/proto/rtmp', 3, undef, undef, 1, 1 );

 However, the Akamai CDN (flashaac*2 mode) is
misbehaving for me currently; don't know what to
make of this...

 To conclude, if I was in the end able to find
a crude solution to this issue after a 70min
experimentation, having 0 coding skills, then
it is highly probable you or anybody else could...


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