Help text query

David Cantrell david at
Tue May 9 08:03:45 PDT 2017

On Tue, May 09, 2017 at 01:56:03PM +0100, Martin Powell wrote:

> Does anyone think reinstating the -u flag would be a good idea??


> If your distribution handles PPAs, there is little point, but if it does 
> not, it could be very handy.

Not really. I have no idea what a PPA is so I presume that my OSes don't
handle them. I just regularly 'brew update;brew upgrade' on OS X and
'apt-get update;apt-get upgrade' on Linux.

> I'm in the process of moving from Mint (with PPAs) to PCLinuxOS (No 
> PPAs) so the update would be nice.

PCLinuxOS's web page is confusing, it says that it uses APT (from
Debian) but also that they have loads of RPM packages. Either way,
better to just add a suitable package repository and use that instead of
each application supplying its own update tool.

David Cantrell | Pope | First Church of the Symmetrical Internet

    Vegetarian: n: a person who, due to poor lifestyle choices,
      is more likely to get arse cancer than a normal person

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