Re "Issues with Large Files" and "Recent Radio Downloads Not Playing".

batguano999 batguano999 at
Wed Jan 25 07:50:23 PST 2017

>The next question is how to convert AVC3 to AVC1 or AAC. I have already 
>tried using ffmpeg and its aac codec. It was very slow and I still couldn't 
>play the file. I have also tried the Nero encoder
This is pointless.
If you're converting from lossy to lossy aac you might as well convert from lossy to lossy mp3.

By the way, what about this?
>Create a 30 minute "raw aac" test file with FFmpeg...
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i sine=d=1800 -y 1800_testfile.aac
>Mux it into m4a with mp4creator...
mp4creator -create=1800_testfile.aac 1800_testfile.m4a
>See if it plays OK... with your "£19 AGPtEK player"

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