Audio/Video Out of Sync

Jim web web at
Thu Aug 18 01:44:10 PDT 2016

In article
<trinity-a5c685f2-4720-4646-a5e0-d5b8687920ca-1471461293192 at 3capp-mailcom-bs04>,
   tellyaddict <tellyaddict21 at> wrote:
> Thanks Jim,

> > Afraid the info I have is limited. But it makes clear that the BBC
> > realise there *is* a problem with the hls segmentation and that Akamai
> > are said to have a fix which is supposed to be being put in place.
> > However I'd have thought that would happen today. Might be my
> > misunderstanding, though.

> As this problem appears to have got significantly worse today, I think
> it's possible that something was attempted but hasn't worked.

Yes, that may be the case. I've not heard more as yet...

> > A problem here is that I'm just one stage of a 'pass the parcel' when
> > it comes to this. IIUC The fix isn't one the BBC themselves are doing,
> > but someone else who is responding to them.

> From what you have said before, I get the feeling that the BBC have no
> control over this problem because on that legacy system, all they (the
> BBC) do is send the video files to Akamai. Akamai does the rest
> (segmenting, uploading etc) so the problems start when Akamai start
> processing. So Akamai are the only ones who can actually fix this
> problem. 

Yes. That is my understanding.

> As we have seen from HVF and DASH, these are segmented,
> packaged etc by the BBC and then uploaded to Akamai's servers, and it
> seems that things processed by the BBC tend to work.

Yes. Again, that is what I think is the case.

My impressions are that I think it was useful for the BBC that we contacted
them to raise this. It probably helped them to realise the problems were
ocurring. They have then interacted with Akamai, I assume. But the actual
application of any fix will be being done by someone else. People at the
BBC can, of course, check the output results. But may not be able to check
the details of what is being actually done by others.


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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