Cant download Rio videos

James Scholes james at
Sun Aug 14 06:08:58 PDT 2016

andrea wrote:
> Below is the output with -v, using the most recent git version of get_iplayer.
> ...
> get_iplayer v2.94, Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Phil Lewis

These two lines directly contradict each other.  If you're using the
very latest version of get_iplayer from GitHub, assuming you're on the
right branch, the version should be 2.95, not 2.94.  Additionally, from
the command output, GiP is attempting to use FFmpeg to grab the HLS
stream, rather than its new, built-in HLS downloader.

I just tried downloading this content with v2.95 and it worked fine.  So
you just need to update your version of get_iplayer.
James Scholes

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