BBC to move to HTML5/DASH video

J K.Eason mail at
Wed Sep 30 12:59:00 PDT 2015

> *From:* tellyaddict <tellyaddict21 at>
> The BBC have been saying for a while that RTMP streams will be 
> going from iPlayer soon and once they have gone, RTMPDump will no 
> longer be needed. However, GiP is not able to handle MPEG-DASH 
> streams so when this change does happen the only option left 
> available will be to use HLS streams which is an Apple delivery 
> method. The options to download these streams are already available 
> in the current version of GiP. To download HLS you will need to 
> have FFMPEG installed which will take over from RTMPDump.

This is the BBC announcement about the beta player:


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