Why is '-- type radio' needed?

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at the.forthnet.gr
Fri Oct 16 06:48:59 PDT 2015

On Fri Oct 16 09:22:55 BST 2015, Jim web wrote:

> For getting both 128k R4/R4ex and 320k R3 is the optimum choice
> --type=radio --modes=hlslow  ?
> or should I try hlshigh, or... ?

 First of all, the GiP radio command contained in
my previous post in this thread was issued from
my original overseas IP; for National Radio
( b06gqf64 -> Radio 1), only the "low" flavours
of radiomodes are available.
 If YOU try the command:

get_iplayer --pid=b06gqf64

the DL would still fail (unless --type=radio
was in your user options), but GiP in that case
should prompt you to try:


The "names" of the HLS radiomodes are
slightly different to the tv ones [1]:

(hlsaachigh,) hlsaacstd, hlsaacmed, hlsaaclow

"hlsaachigh" isn't really available for AOD [2];
so in GiP 2.94 YOU CAN'T GET 320kbps R3
via HLS. To experiment with AOD via HLS as is
currently implemented in GiP 2.94, you can simply include:

--type=radio --radiomode=hlsbest
(or --modes=hls, --modes=hlsbest etc.)
in your commands... Then, GiP will fetch the
best hlsaac radiomode for your programme...

> I realise should have experimented before now

Yes, I urge all GiP users to try and familiarise
with the HLS modes, both for TV and radio.

 Since July 2nd, RTMP is not the default streaming
method for TV on demand on the iPlayer site for PCs
(they've switched to AdobeHDS - some video content
in the form of clips still defaults to RTMP).
 The RTMP infrastructure is still there for GiP to use
(though recently changed/crippled to combat
overseas access), once that goes (in the style of
the BBC, without prior notice...), GiP would have
to fall back to AppleHLS, since it can't use
AdobeHDS or MPEG-DASH...

For Radio on demand (AOD) , RTMP is still
the default for PC browsers; this is subject to
change too, in favour of AdobeHDS
(or MPEG-DASH) for PC browsers...

 And the HLS infrastructure itself is currently
undergoing major changes (mainly for TV),
implemented by the Video (/Audio) Factory
departments. GiP would try its best to cater
for these changes [3], but the little ball is still rollin'...

[1]: To be changed in next release:
[2]: A hack has been included in next release:
Relies on the continued existence of RTMP streams...


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