get_iplayer Web PVR Manager - enabling access on a "trusted" network

Kevin Lynch klynchk at
Tue Mar 24 17:08:01 PDT 2015

Hi Guys

I've had a couple of replies to my personal email, but not quite the
answer I needed, but working through the suggestions I found that I
needed to edit "/etc/default/get_iplayer_web_pvr" as the comment in
the file suggests

kevin at kevin-13-04-raring:~$ whereis  get_iplayer_web_pvr
get_iplayer_web_pvr: /usr/bin/get_iplayer_web_pvr
kevin at kevin-13-04-raring:~$ sudo vi /usr/bin/get_iplayer_web_pvr
[sudo] password for kevin:
kevin at kevin-13-04-raring:~$ cat  /usr/bin/get_iplayer_web_pvr

. /etc/default/get_iplayer_web_pvr
/usr/bin/perl /usr/share/get_iplayer/get_iplayer.cgi -p $PORT -g
/usr/bin/get_iplayer -l $LISTEN
kevin at kevin-13-04-raring:~$ cat  /etc/default/get_iplayer_web_pvr

# use to bind to all interfaces

# port must be more than 1024 for unprivileged users

I had this note from Zaphod (which prompted my memory)

I'm using Windows XP, can't remember where stuff is on later versions

edit "get_iplayer.cgi.cmd", which on XP is in C:\Program Files\get_iplayer\

change --listen= to --listen=
it will then listen for incoming connections on all adapters not just localhost

Heres my working....
---- looking at properties of shortcut 'Web PVR Manager' on start menu
C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe /c pvr_manager.cmd

----- looking at pvr_manager.cmd
@echo off
start "PVR Manager Service" /min /b cmd /k .\get_iplayer.cgi.cmd
ping -n 5 -w 1000 > NUL

---- looking at get_iplayer.cgi.cmd
@echo off
perl.exe get_iplayer.cgi --port 1935 --listen= --getiplayer


On 23 March 2015 at 00:59, Kevin Lynch <klynchk at> wrote:
> I have a "trusted" network - I'd like to expose the Web PVR manager so
> that I can access it from other machines on the network - rather than
> just jumping onto my computer and using the localhost:1935
> Please can someone provide  instructions
> Thanks
> Kevin

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