My bat_iplayer script now has a problem.

michael norman michaeltnorman at
Thu Jun 4 05:08:03 PDT 2015

> FWIW as a BBC 'outsider', whenever I've spoken to current BBC people their
> view seems to be that they aren't 'hostile' to gip and its use. Their
> concern is to develop and improve the iplayer. Circumstances mean that part
> of the improvement has to be to make it easier and more efficient to
> operate by the BBC in the future.
> Hence my current understanding is that they have no objective to 'stop
> gip', etc.
> All my impression, though. For all I know, the DG has a sign on his desk
> saying "I hate gip even more than I hate the government" 8-]
> Jim

Conspiracy theories are fun.  I suspect that GIP is at most a flea on a 
the elephants backside for the BBC. If even that.


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