My bat_iplayer script now has a problem.

Jim web web at
Thu Jun 4 04:52:58 PDT 2015

In article <20150604110056.GB29860 at>, David
Cantrell <david at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 04, 2015 at 03:01:06AM +0300, Vangelis forthnet wrote:
> > On Wed Jun 3 23:51:38 BST 2015, tellyaddict wrote:
> > >Do you think this was aimed at us?
> > Hi - if by "us" you mean the GiP users, I honestly don't think we are
> > their sole concern; their actions in general aim to cripple all "3rd
> > party apps & services", to keep their rights holders happy - from:
> >
> > I quote:
> > >It's also possible that there are unauthorized & unidentified 3rd
> > >party apps & services that use Dynamite; these will stop working.
> > the emphasis being on "unauthorized & unidentified ", so they have no
> > remorse if those break - check also the comments on the linked blog
> > entry for more outcry expressed...

> I believe you misunderstand and are reading intention where there is
> none. I don't think that their aim is to harm third party applications,
> it's to make their own internal systems work better.

My reading of the blog comment is that they simply were acknowledging and
warning that methods that they didn't know about or hadn't authorized would
break if they relied on Dynamite. In effect, giving a fair warning to the
unwary, *not* stating it was the intent or purpose of the changes.

They knew it would happen, but its not their concern one way or the other.

> get_iplayer *is* unauthorized and unidentified. My own iplayer2rss
> scripts, which I used to get automagic notifications of stuff on iPlayer
> that would be worth watching, were also unauthorized and unidentified.
> Unauthorized and unidentified doesn't mean that they hate it. In fact, I
> wrote my scripts *while I was working at the BBC on Dynamite*. I showed
> them to my colleagues *and managers*. They thought it was a really good
> idea and some of them started using them as well.

FWIW as a BBC 'outsider', whenever I've spoken to current BBC people their
view seems to be that they aren't 'hostile' to gip and its use. Their
concern is to develop and improve the iplayer. Circumstances mean that part
of the improvement has to be to make it easier and more efficient to
operate by the BBC in the future. 

Hence my current understanding is that they have no objective to 'stop
gip', etc. 

All my impression, though. For all I know, the DG has a sign on his desk
saying "I hate gip even more than I hate the government" 8-]


Armstrong Audio
Audio Misc

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