OT: Help with Broken Downloads Please

batguano999 batguano999 at zoho.com
Tue Dec 22 11:48:11 PST 2015

>... is there a Linux command that would apply 
>that line to all aac files in a folder, taking the existing name.aac and 
>using it to output name.mp4? Something like a Windows wild card which 
>would ren *.aac to *.m4a? All the file names are as gip/BBC delivered 
>them so they are complex, with underscore characters and date/time stamps. 
This seems to be OK...
for f in *.aac; do ffmpeg -i "$f" -c copy -bsf:a aac_adtstoasc "${f%.aac}".m4a; done

>Then, if it could recursively do that to each folder beneath the upper 
>level - well, that really would be the icing on the cake. 
Dream on

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