[ANN] get_iplayer search and PVR functions no longer work - no fix available

Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer jn.ml.gti.91 at wingsandbeaks.org.uk
Wed Oct 29 16:53:19 PDT 2014

Lorenzo Martinelli <lorenzo at martinelli.co.uk> wrote:

>The first episode is here:

The pid (programme id) is this:       b04n8zdp 

To fetch it you need to issue a get_iplayer command including

   --pid b04n8zdp

in the arguments to the command.

How you issue a command, and making sure it works for you, depend to some
extent on how you've set up your computer.  I'm sure someone posted a link
to relevant help.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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