Help with --command syntax

Vangelis forthnet northmedia1 at
Tue Oct 21 21:12:45 PDT 2014

 Hello, again...

I am using the --outputtv option to 
download a video file to a directory 
on my external USB drive:


Inside that directory I have placed some 
executables and a batch file (remux.bat), 
that invokes those executables...

I have searched the net and found that in 
order to run the batch file via command line, 
I should use something like this:

cmd /k "cd /d "F:\Downloads\FLVtoMP4remux" & "remux.bat" ^&& exit"

(If you know better, chime in...).

I want to put that inside the --command (or -c) 
option for GiP, so that when the download is completed, 
the batch file is run (and the video file is processed).

Is it feasible and what would be the correct syntax for that?
(WinVistaSP2 x86)

Appreciative of any help offered...

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