Linux CLI help request

Timothy tmthywynn8 at
Sun Jul 27 17:13:21 PDT 2014

Peter S Kirk: What I want to do is download the .flv with subtitles ... I would 
be grateful if some of you clever chaps provide some CLI commands to experiment 

you can use something like:
get_iplayer --raw --subtitles --get "<query>"
where <query> is something you want to search for. Otherwise, if you're more 
comfortable with program IDs, use:
get_iplayer --raw --subtitles --pid <eightAlphaNumeric Characters>
where <eightAlphaNumeric Characters> is the program ID. You might also want to 
get_iplayer --help
 for more commands. I do not know anything about tagging Mp4 or (if possible) 
Flv files, so I'm no help there.

There's a wiki manual found here:


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