How to terminate a downloading task when rtmpdump.exe is still on?

Jeremy Nicoll - ml get_iplayer at
Wed Oct 30 09:48:56 EDT 2013

general <t-64 at> wrote:

>Hello everyone,
> Short description: During a downloading session, get_iplayer, after
> calling rtmpdump.exe, can not response to user input like Ctrl+c to
> terminate the program.

I'm not sure that that's true; I think I may have used either ^C or ^Z to
stop a download, but it wasn't immediately acted on.  Maybe rtmpdump.exe
only polls something (to see if an interrupt request has been made) at
irregular intervals?

To me a more annoying problem is that although GiP usefully (if it's
basically working but gets interrupted) continues/retries a fetch quite a
few times, I sometimes have what's a fundamentally broken download retry and
retry and retry and retry... and in my view it retries far too much.  

In theory the perl program lets you code --attempts=nn, which has a default
value of 3, but there's code that overrides this to 50 (sometimes?).  It
seems to me that if the user wanted eg --attempts=8 then that's the value
that should be used.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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