Cache Refresh

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at
Sat Mar 30 14:09:25 EDT 2013

On 30/03/2013 08:37, Barry Caruth wrote:
> So I sorted out refreshing the radio cache - thanks - but the following PVR search downloaded BOTH radio and tv shows with matching categories.
>> before 4
>> fields categories
>> metadata xbmc
>> modes best
>> output /mnt/get_iplayer
>> subtitles 1
>> thumb 0
>> type radio
>> versionlist default
>> search0 SciFi & Fantasy
> When I run the same search in the web UI it only finds radio programmes. Any clues as to why this search, when run via the PVR, picks up TV shows like Merlin and Hitchhiker's Guide.

The obvious question first:  Do you have any other pvr searches defined 
that would pick up the TV programmes?

I can't duplicate this behaviour based on the information provided. All 
I can suggest is to first check this particular search in isolation:

get_iplayer --pvr <search_name> --verbose --test

Near the top of the output you should see something like:

Running PVR Searches:
Current options:

which should indicate if "tv" is somehow being added to the "type" 
option during your pvr run.  Also make sure the search results in the 
output match your expected results.  If type = radio in the options list 
but TV programmes appear in the search results, then something strange 
is going on.

If all that looks OK, check all your pvr searches (assuming you have 
more than one):

get_iplayer --pvr --verbose --test

and look for the unwanted TV programmes.

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