WARNING: rtmpdump/flvstreamer 1.8 or later is required - please upgrade

dinkypumpkin dinkypumpkin at gmail.com
Fri Mar 8 15:30:16 EST 2013

On 08/03/2013 11:39, conrad1on wrote:
> I've suddenly started getting the above message when trying to download anything, both TV and radio.
> I haven't been tinkering with get_iplayer at all; in fact after a full re-install of get_iplayer (as well as a separate manual replacement of the most recent version of RMTPDump) I'm still having the same problem.
> Since the last time it worked, the only change I can think of that may even vaguely have something to do with it was a fix I applied to something in the 'Environment Variables' in 'System Properties', which involved manually adding a path to the 'Path' variable, but which also may have overwritten whatever was in there previously. To the best of my knowledge though, there was nothing related to get_iplayer or any of its component parts in there anyway.
> Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, but I should say any advice much more technical than 'download this and install it' or incredibly straightforward step-by-step instructions may cause bleeding from the ears.

I'm guessing from your description that you use Windows, but you should 
tell us such things up front.  What OS?  What version of get_iplayer? 
How did you install it?  Where did your version of rtmpdump come from? 
How did you install it?  Where did you install it?  What get_iplayer 
options have you set?  Etc, etc.  You have to give us something to go on.

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