WARNING: rtmpdump/flvstreamer 1.8 or later is required - please upgrade

conrad1on conrad1on at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Mar 8 06:39:36 EST 2013

I've suddenly started getting the above message when trying to download anything, both TV and radio.

I haven't been tinkering with get_iplayer at all; in fact after a full re-install of get_iplayer (as well as a separate manual replacement of the most recent version of RMTPDump) I'm still having the same problem.

Since the last time it worked, the only change I can think of that may even vaguely have something to do with it was a fix I applied to something in the 'Environment Variables' in 'System Properties', which involved manually adding a path to the 'Path' variable, but which also may have overwritten whatever was in there previously. To the best of my knowledge though, there was nothing related to get_iplayer or any of its component parts in there anyway.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, but I should say any advice much more technical than 'download this and install it' or incredibly straightforward step-by-step instructions may cause bleeding from the ears.

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