Problem with "Series"

Rob Dixon rob.dixon at
Fri Jul 19 12:13:22 EDT 2013

On 19/07/2013 14:37, dinkypumpkin wrote:
> On 19/07/2013 14:16, Rob Dixon wrote:
>> And I'm wondering if it instead split the title into <name><series>
>> <episode> there would be nothing to do later on?
> That would just make a bit of extra work.  There is no <series> field in
> the metadata, and there is no need for one.  The series number is the
> only thing of interest re: series.  Also, the "Series XXX" needs to stay
> in <name> so that "Add Series" in the Web PVR will work.  I would also
> bet a number of people rely on the "Series XXX" string in <name> to sort
> their output files.  Presumably <nameshort> exists to accommodate those
> who don't.

Yes, I am inclined to redesign things the way I think they should be.
Here I would have <name>, <series>, and <episode> metadata, from which
any desired composite title could be built using a template. However I
am not in the maintenance seat ahving to think about things like
backward-compatability, so my ideas are really pipe dreams.

> Given the way split_title works, I'm not sure why the <nameshort> regex
> is what it is. I can't see how there would ever be a colon following the
> "Series XXX" string.  No current tv/radio programmes produce one,
> anyway.  That would make the fix simple.

Yes, it preserves a colon and anything following it that appears after
"Series". This almost never happens, but occasionally appears when an
episode has a title and a number as in these programmes

   The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 1 - Revenge of the Slitheen: Part 2
   The Sarah Jane Adventures: Series 4 - The Nightmare Man: Part 2

or these, where the episode has both a title and a subtitle, and tghe
colon separates them

   Timeshift: Series 12 - Magnificent Machines: 4. The Golden Age of the 
British Sports Car
   Timeshift: Series 12 - When Wrestling was Golden: 6. Grapples

Finally there's this one

   Triathlon: World Series - 2013: 13/07/2013

that causes all sorts of problems. `split_title` removes the
" - 2013" because it looks too much like an episode, leaving <episode>
set to "2013: 13/07/2013".


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